Chi Nei Tsang
(Abdominal Massage)
Chi Nei Tsang translates to “working the energy of the internal organs”. It’s a traditional form of Taoist massage focusing on the abdomen to manipulate and stimulate muscle, connective tissue and organs (intestines, stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and lungs). This work also addresses the lymphatic, circulatory and nervous system through the belly. By massaging, stretching and rocking this space, negative energy is released that was created by emotional and physical stress and tension. It also wards off stagnation of blood and increases the energy flow thus allowing detoxification and increasing the overall immune system.
Liver & Gall bladder - Anger & Frustration
Heart & Small Intestines - Unresolved Trauma, Hate & Impatience
Spleen, Stomach & Pancreas - Worry and Anxiety
Lungs & Large Intestine - Sadness & Depression
Kidney & Bladder - Fear & Fright
If energy on an emotional level is left unprocessed, it’s stored within the physical body and over time becomes problematic. Each organ has an association with a negative emotion. Those of fear, anxiety, depression, anger, and worry cause the most damage on a physical level. These issues can be due to accumulation of general stress, being overworked, recent surgeries or injuries, drug and alcohol use, toxins, bad food choices and poor posture.
When internal organs function more efficiently, it enhances the overall physical, mental and emotional well-being. This massage addresses the entire belly, working through the region systematically as four quadrants. Each one containing specific acupressure points to release emotional blockage and physical pain. Our kinetic energy of movement originates at the navel. Physical blocks in this area, hinder movement resulting in lack of mobility, dysfunction, disease, and negative energy cycles. Releasing these blocks allows restoration to the physical movement of the body along with the mental blocks connected to the emotional body. In addition, there’s a significant positive effect in quality of breath, digestive function and proper posture.
Our team of therapists have an understanding of the body organs, systems and their functions. Each session is done with the comfort of the client as top priority. Using specialized bolsters and professional draping, you can relax as years of mental and physical tension are slowly released. Many say they feel years younger or like a new person after receiving Chi Nei Tsang. Longer sessions give time to also address associated patterns of abdominal dysfunction such as the back, hips and legs.